Tooth extracted on the 5th with bone graft.

Hi everyone. I just got my tooth extracted on the 5th(almost 10 days ago) with bone graft. My gums are still swollen. I saw the dentist a week from my surgery and he told me to brush the area well and come back in a week. Is it normal for it to swell this much… doesn’t seem like it’s getting better. Also the roof of my mouth seems swollen as well. Thanks for any advice!
Comment#1: Maybe wormwood tea and chamomile would help, at lest this is what my doctor told me to do after the implant surgery. Rinse with this, mostly to try prevent any infection.
Comment#2:I was a cleft lip and palate baby and mine looked similar. It took longer for me to heal than other people. It's important that you do brush the area and use the antibiotic mouth wash they gave you. And if you don't have that warm salt water rinses. I used a baby tooth brush to clean the area where my two bone grafts were done at.
Comment#3: Have you done cold drinks and icing ? I had the same tooth extracted Friday with a bone graft , minimal swelling. They gave me a essix tray. I’ve worn it a little but not constant . I have read wearing the temps help with swelling