Panoramic xray - Cebu

The Panoramic x-ray, is a two-dimensional (2-D) dental x-ray examination that captures all completely the mouth in a single image this are the following the teeth, upper and lower jaws, surrounding structures and tissues.
6 Reasons why use X-ray panoramic for your dental implants here in Cebu Philippines
1. Better patient acceptance. Patients can easily sit during the panoramic X-ray examination that can be performed once. Fast and easy process.
2. Easier for the dentist and staff. Dentists can now consistently open up the contacts between the posterior teeth simply by adjusting the panoramic positioning light, compared to setting up a sensor in a holder, placing it in the patient’s mouth.
3. The panoramic technique is advance and fast compare to the traditional dental X-rays. The patient bite into the groove in the bite block, and seconds later have images ready for viewing.
4. Using the panoramic images provide more and detailed coverage for periodontal bone defects, periapical lesions, and pathological jaw lesions than bitewings, thus extending the diagnostic benefit of pan bitewings as compared to intraoral bitewings.
5. The Less X-ray panoramic is radiation exposure. A panoramic bitewing study may cut radiation dose by 40% in comparison with intraoral, bitewing X-ray studies.
6. Less infection control. With traditional bitewing X-rays, dentists will have to wrap and unwrap the sensor after each patient; disinfect it and the sensor holder; disinfect the machine tube head, yolk, and cone;
These infection control procedures add to the time and expense elements associated with intraoral bitewing techniques.
Is dental x-rays harmful to our body? 5 information you need to know about x-rays
1.) Dental X-ray exams are safe but they have very low levels of radiation exposure, which makes the risk of potentially harmful effects very small.
2.) They are a useful tools for the diagnostic when helping your dentist detect any damage and disease not visible during the assessment and consultation.
3.) Dental x-rays, like any other form of medical imaging, use ionizing radiation to create images of the inside your mouth and teeth. While dental x-rays do expose the body to a small amount of radiation, the amount is considered safe and the benefits of the procedure typically outweigh the risks.
4.) Modern dental x-ray equipment is designed to limit the amount of radiation exposure to the patient. Additionally, dentists use lead aprons and thyroid collars to further protect the patient's body from unnecessary exposure.
5.) The risk of harm from dental x-rays is very low, especially when compared to the full benefits of detecting , heal and preventing dental issues. However, it's significant to inform your dentist of any past radiation exposure and to discuss any concerns you may have about the procedure.
Notes to remember:
If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be pregnant, it's important to inform your dentist, as they may recommend postponing non-emergency dental procedures until after delivery.
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Maria Montessori International School
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