Happy Smile Ortho and Dental Clinic

Get ready to smile brighter with Happy Smile Ortho and Dental Clinic Cebu's amazing deals!
Wisdom tooth extraction
Dental retainers
Philips Zoom teeth whitening
Plus, unleash your ultimate smile with our Smile Design!
Smile Design with Emax/Zirconia All Porcelain Veneers
- Dental porcelain crowns
- Dental porcelain bridges
- Rubberize removable partial dentures
Hurry and book your appointment now! You don’t wanna miss out!
Lapu-Lapu: 09562912744 | Cebu City: 09603135777
16 M. Velez St, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu
Basak-Marigondon Rd Lapu-Lapu City, Central Visayas
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