
Teeth General Check-up in Cebu City

We need to know the case of your teeth. Please visit in our clinic so we can give assessment and consultation the case of your teeth. Price will varies depending on the case of your teeth. The best way to know the price is to visit in our clinic. Due to high price of inflation and increase materials. Our general assessment to know the case of your teeth is now 900 peso & our Teeth Pasta is 900 peso here in Zugbu Dental Clinic. You can easy get appointment thru our online booking system. We continue to serve you better . . . 

Gum Grafting in Cebu City

We specialized in your any of yoru gum probelm you are feeling in your teeth. Why gum grafting is important for your teeth it  protect your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession and  improve the appearance of your smile. When you feel that your gum is constantly bleeding it us the cause of the gum problem. We are located in Gorordo Cebu City if you want to know the situation of your gum problem. Why do you need a gum graft ? It enable to correct the effects of gum recession.

Unsay different sa dental implant og mini implant ?

What is the different of using dental implant and a mini implant?
A dental implant is when we use a medical grade post that is inserted into your bone. Mini-dental implants are best used to help anchor a denture if a patient is having difficulty keeping the denture. If a patient is looking to replace a single lost tooth, a traditional dental implant is the best choice. Ang traditional dagko implant nga mas ok kaysa mini.

Gum Disease in Cebu City

Common question:  Ang gum nako sakit permi sige ra og bleeding inig brush nako.

What is Periodontal disease ? Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the tissues that support your teeth. Your gum tissue is not attached to the teeth as high as it may seem. There is a very shallow v-shapedcrevice called a sulcus between the tooth and gums.

What are the 8 common dental problems here in Cebu ?

Below are the 8 list common problem of your teeth.
1.)Bad Breath. Bad breath can be so embarrassing when you kiss your sweet heart. 
2.)Tooth Decay - Tooth decay is the destruction of your tooth enamel, the hard, outer layer of your teeth.
3.)Gum (Periodontal) Disease - are infections of the structures around the teeth, which include the gums 
